Drink to Your Health

Who says being healthy isn’t easy?

Drinking water is one of the easiest things you can do to improve your health. We can’t survive without water. Our bodies are made of more than 70% water. We need at least 64 ounces of water daily for basic hydration but half our body weight in water daily is ideal.

For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, you would need to drink a minimum of 70 ounces of water daily. Not enough water (dehydration) can cause minor to severe symptoms, including sluggishness, fainting, headache, confusion, difficulty breathing, decreased urine output and kidney failure.

There are over 40 reasons to drink water. So what are some of the major benefits of water?

  • Flushes toxins and excess fat from the body
  • Minimizes wrinkles
  • Hydrates skin
  • Keeps the body lean
  • Curbs appetite
  • Moves nutrients throughout all areas of the body
  • The main source of energy
  • Bonding adhesion in the design structure of cells
  • Lubricates all joint spaces to prevent arthritis and back pain
  • Aids in digestion/constipation
  • Reduces risk for heart attacks and stroke by preventing clogging of arteries
  • Gives us power and electrical energy for brain function, reducing depression, anxiety, and stress
  • Restores normal sleep rhythm
  • Reverses addictive urges, including caffeine, alcohol and some drugs

If water is not your favorite beverage, try adding a slice of fresh lemon or lime. Not only is it a refreshing drink, but it will detoxify your body. You can also try naturally flavored water or sparkling water, but stay away from artificial sweeteners and added sugar.

If you are still having a hard time drinking enough water, eating fresh fruit and vegetables will provide extra hydration. Those with the most water content are apples, grapes, strawberries, watermelon, and cucumbers. Because they are made of mostly water, “you can eat to your heart’s content.”

To drink your recommended daily amount, try filling a 20-ounce water bottle or container. This will make it easier to know how many times to fill your bottle throughout the day. You will need to drink more when you exercise or in the summer months.

I am confident that you will find drinking water to be one of the easiest and most simple steps you can take to improve your overall health.

Sandy Sonier, Certified Holistic Master Wellness Coach

Follow my Facebook Page for more healthy tips: Inspired Living with Sandy

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